Thursday, June 11, 2020

What am I?

Way back, early on in college, when I first was working in libraries I wrote a poem.  It was very existential-angsty but basically the point was - "I am only I" .... which stemmed from me, at the time, identifying fairly strongly that I was a librarian....even though...I was only a student, working in the library at the time.....

So, I guess I've always been a bit hyperbolic....

Anyways, for some reason this popped into my head this morning after reading RuntoTheFinish's first tip on becoming a better runner...which basically hearkened back to one of the main points I got out of one of the books I read before running my first marathon....the power in STATING you were a marathoner...the power in STATING you are A RUNNER, an athlete....

Why am I posting this, though?  because, really, who cares?  I think it's because I find it interesting at this point in my life, that it is EASIER for me to STATE, "I AM A RUNNER", than "I AM A LIBRARIAN".  Even though I've been saying the latter much longer than the former.

I think this disturbs me and further contributes to my angst about identity and who I am, what I am....and....the BIG question..."WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO WITH YOUR LIFE?"

Pushing 50 and still trying to answer that question....

(originally written January 14, 2020, but never posted)

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